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10 Best Marketing Book Recommendations (Up To Date)

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For those of you who are struggling in the business world, marketing is a complex science and very important to learn. In addition to product determination, business placement, and promotion methods, marketing also discusses pricing. In bookstores there are many marketing books that you can learn.

However, you must be confused about choosing a best marketing book. In this article, we will discuss how to choose the best marketing book. Popular marketing book titles and best sellers such as Shoe Dog and They Ask, You Answer are in our recommendations. Read this article to the end!

Overview of marketing

Marketing is a strategy to introduce products or services that will be sold so that potential buyers or the public know. Marketing strategies include product determination, target market, promotion methods, and price determination. In order for this strategy to be achieved, you need knowledge about people's behavior when shopping

Many people equate sales and marketing, even though they are different. Marketing is the activity of determining or creating a market for the products or services you sell. Meanwhile, sales focus on selling the product or service you are selling. In other words, sales are a small part of a complex overall marketing activity.

Although marketing is a science that is more suitable to be practiced directly, it's a good idea to fill in your knowledge through books. 

Marketing books not only discuss tactics, but also the mindset of a marketer and the psychological side of buyers. By reading marketing books, you will have a strong root understanding of marketing.

How to choose a marketing book?

Before deciding to buy a marketing book, there are several things you need to pay attention to. You need to know the topic you need, the best-selling book, who the author is, and the book reviews. This can save you from marketing books that don't suit your needs.

Choose based on the topic you need

When you read a marketing book, of course you have a problem to solve. These problems can be related to business or you are just looking for inspiration. So that you don't waste time and enthusiasm in finishing the book you are reading, choose based on the topic you need.

Product positioning, making consumers unable to switch from your product

There is a saying in the marketing world that says, "All products can be sold as long as the target market is right". To be able to make this phrase come true, you must understand consumer needs and market the product to the right target.

Sometimes, a brand that is successful in capturing the market is not one that meets everyone's needs, but one that has a small target audience. By knowing a clear target consumer, you can market a product with the features and advantages that are really needed.

Do not let you spend capital to make the best product, even though the product is not needed by consumers. An example of a book that does this well is Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne.

Digital marketing, let you know market trends through digital search

It is undeniable, nowadays people are very used to transacting online. Bill Gates once said, "If your business can't be found on the internet today, your business will fail."

Digital marketing has become a popular science in the business world for the past 10 to 15 years. Digital marketing is a science that you must master in this modern era.

Digital marketing includes social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), website creation and basic coding, to personal branding. With digital marketing, you can find out market needs and trends through digital searches.

Branding and advertising, making consumers more familiar with your brand

Strong branding can bring in new customers or keep old customers coming back. The right branding strategy can make your brand top of mind in the eyes of buyers.

However, the most important thing is the emotional bond between the buyer and your brand. Sometimes, consumers buy products not because of the best quality or price, but because they are already in love with the brand.

One strategy to market your product and brand is through advertising. You can hire an advertising consultant or agency to create great ads. However, you should also know the basics.

Advertising teaches you how to create the right message and the most appropriate medium to communicate it. Some good marketing books to read are Donald Miller's Building a StoryBrand.

For beginners, look for the best selling books

For those of you who rarely read books or are reading a book about marketing for the first time, choose a best-selling marketing book. The best selling marketing books, both national and international, are generally of good quality.

Its weighty content and delivery that is easily digested by many people can be the reason the book is selling well. However, even though it has received the title of best seller, it does not guarantee that everything is of high quality.

You must first read the synopsis or reviews from other readers so that the book you are going to buy is appropriate. You can read marketing book reviews on the well-known website Goodreads.

Check the author's credibility

Before deciding to buy a marketing book, you should find out who the author is. Even better if the author is a practitioner in the world of marketing as well. The knowledge shared will be deeper and you can apply it in the real world.

If you read the Shoe Dog book, you will get knowledge from Phil Knight who has experienced the ups and downs of building the Nike brand. By reading books written by experienced authors, you can have more confidence and may be inspired by their accomplishments.

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Top 10 recommended marketing books

Next, we will recommend ten of the best marketing books that we have selected based on how to vote above. These recommendations were carefully selected by taking into account reader ratings and reviews. Our products are sorted by popularity on Goodreads.

1. Dale Carnegie & Associates: How To Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age

This is a new edition of the classic marketing book that has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. How to Win Friends & Influence People has been considered the most successful motivational book of all time. Millions of readers are claimed to have climbed the ladder of success in business and personal life after reading the book.

This book is here again with adjustments for the digital age. There is an additional word in the title to be How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age. For those of you who want to follow in the footsteps of readers who have been successful, this book is worth considering.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 3.92 out of 5
  • Author: Dale Carnegie & Associates
  • Topic: Digital marketing
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 281

2. Jonah Berger: Contagious: Why Things Catch On

Information circulating today is so fast because everyone has social media. People no longer see the good in ads, but they will talk about whatever is going viral. If you want to learn viral marketing, read this book.

Viral marketing can make ads for your brand talk about by many people without having to spend a lot of money. Even though it is a translated book, the discussion of this book is very easy to understand.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 3.96 out of 5
  • Writer: Jonah Berger
  • Topics: Digital marketing 
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 256

3. W. Chan Kim, Renee A. Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy

The business world is full of competition, ranging from imitated products, the same branding strategy, to price wars. Instead of getting caught up in the war, you should look for a special market. This book teaches a very effective strategy to market your product or also known as the Blue Ocean Strategy.

Because of its popularity, this book has sold more than four million copies and been translated into 46 languages. After reading this book, it is hoped that you will not get caught up in the grueling trade competition. This book is perfect for those of you who want to try new marketing strategies.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 3.98 out of 5
  • Author: W. Chan Kim & Renee A. Mauborgne
  • Topic: Product positioning
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 320

4. Seth Godin: This Is Marketing

Dissect the modern era marketing strategy ala Seth Godin

This Is Marketing by Seth Godin is a book that is a dream for marketers, both beginners and professionals. This book dissects the core of marketing from the basics. Seth Godin also explains why old marketing strategies such as advertising attacks and email spamming are no longer effective.

According to him, the marketing strategy for the modern era is through empathy, connection, and emotional closeness between sellers and buyers. After reading this book, you will understand your target market more clearly. This book is perfect if you are looking for a book about marketing for the first time.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 3.98 out of 5
  • Author: Seth Godin
  • Topic: Product positioning
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 280

5. Gary Vaynerchuk: Crushing It!

It is undeniable, social media plays a big role in changing how a business runs, especially from a marketing perspective. 

People who have a lot of followers on social media tend to be easier to market something. Gary Vee is one of the successful entrepreneurs using all kinds of social media.

He is famous in almost all social media, from Facebook, Twitter, to Instagram. In this book, you will also be invited to know how Gary Vee runs his business. 

For those of you who feel like using social media as the spearhead of product marketing, this book is a must read!

  • Rating on Goodreads: 4.00 out of 5
  • Author: Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Topic: Branding and advertising, digital marketing
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 364

6. Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan: Marketing 4.0

This book contains ways that marketers use to influence people to shop. From the traditional buying path, namely being aware, interested, asking, and acting, expanded by adding to suggest. 

This is because the opinions of your friends and family have a big impact on your buying decision.

This book allows you to gain data-oriented insights into how customers shop. There are three new subcultures that this book focuses on, namely youth, women, and netizens. 

You can also check out live examples of increasing productivity by engaging customers through today's digital marketplace. For those of you who want to deepen your digital marketing knowledge today, this book is the answer.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 4.08 out of 5
  • Authors: Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya & Iwan Setiawan
  • Topics: Digital marketing 
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 192

7. Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Jessie C. Stricchiola: The Art of SEO

The world of digital marketing is increasingly popular and has been widely developed in the last ten years. One of the sciences in digital marketing is SEO. By mastering SEO, you can display your product or website on the start page of search engines.

SEO also allows you to find out what trends or products people are looking for. This book is an excellent resource if you want to find out everything about SEO.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 4.09 out of 5
  • Authors: Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer & Jessie C. Stricchiola
  • Topic: Digital marketing
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 994

8. Donald Miller: Building a StoryBrand

One part of marketing is how to convey your product advertisements appropriately. This book by Donald Miller is a great read if you're having trouble getting your brand message across.

It includes a discussion of why people want to buy your product and how to deliver the right ad. Before you spend a lot of money on promotion, you should first read this one book. The quality of this book has been proven by being a best seller in the Wall Street Journal.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 4.28 out of 5
  • Author: Donald Miller
  • Topic: Branding and advertising
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 240

9. Marcus Sheridan: They Ask, You Answer

They Ask, You Answer is a handbook of tactics and practical insights for changing your marketing strategy. This book is written by Marcus Sheridan who was featured in Forbes' 2017 version of "Speakers You Don't Want to Miss".

After reading this book, you'll know how to build buyer trust through content and videos. You'll also find out how to turn your web presence into a shopper magnet. Well, for those of you who want to learn digital marketing, this book is the right choice.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 4.32 out of 5
  • Author: Marcus Sheridan
  • Topic: Digital marketing 
  • Best seller :Not mentioned
  • Number of pages: 352

10. Phil Knight: Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight is a must-read for those of you who want to become a true entrepreneur or marketer. Even young people who are just starting their careers must read this book. Phil Knight's journey to making Nike the top of mind in the field of sports products was not easy.

This book will give you inspiration about Phil Knight's persistence and foresight in marketing his products. Not only that, you will be amazed by how good the thinking behind Nike shoes is. If you want to learn about product quality before it goes on sale, read this book.

  • Rating on Goodreads: 4.47 out of 5
  • Author: Phil Knight
  • Topic: Branding and advertising
  • Best seller: Yes
  • Number of pages: 400


Have you found the marketing book you want to read? The science of marketing is very broad, but that doesn't mean it can't be learned. Read marketing books that can be a reference for solutions to your current problems.

That way, you will be excited to always learn and apply it. In addition to the ten recommendations in this article, of course there are many more marketing books that you can learn. Hope you find the right marketing book.

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